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HUD Customization


It is not currently possible to change the components of the HUD as the Custom HUD system is still being implemented. The only way to customise the appearance of the HUD beyond the options below is to change the current theme. We plan to implement more extensive HUD customisation options in future updates. Stay tuned!

Basic HUD Configuration

While custom HUD components are not yet available, you can still customize your HUD in several ways:

  1. Moving Components: You can move any HUD component to your desired position on the screen
  2. Toggling Components: Each HUD component can be individually toggled on or off
  3. Theme-based Appearance: The look of your HUD components is determined by your selected theme

HUD Editor

To access the HUD configuration screen:

  1. Press the RIGHT SHIFT key to open the ClickGUI
  2. Navigate to the HUD tab
  3. Here you can drag components around and toggle them using the checkboxes

HUD Configuration